Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/29/2014, Pungo Creek Layover Day


Today we are in the Pungo Creek off the Pungo River, near Belhaven, NC. We can't go south of Cape Hatteras until Saturday (11/1/14) because of our boat insurance restriction, so we are lazing along. We spent a couple of days here in a great anchorage. 

Pungo Creek anchorage

Yesterday we changed the oil in the engine and transfer case, and then did some interior cleaning. 

Maintenance Day

Today we went swimming! According to my trusty swimming pool thermometer, the water is 60 degrees, but didn't seem too cold. Air temp is 72.

We had a visitor in late afternoon, who lighted on our life lines. He flapped his huge grey wings and left before I could see him directly, without the window shade between us. Egret?

Sunset in Pungo Creek

Tomorrow we're moving to the South Creek off the Pamilico River, so we can visit the Aurora Fossil Museum, and maybe do laundry if we're lucky. We're having a great time! 

Sandy & Chuck
on s/v Summer Wind

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